Teacher Anxiety: Teachers Get Worried Too
How can it be that the words teachers and anxious can appear in the same sentence? What is teacher anxiety anyway? After-all, aren’t teachers supposed to be the epitome of cool, calm and collected?
How can it be that the words teachers and anxious can appear in the same sentence? What is teacher anxiety anyway? After-all, aren’t teachers supposed to be the epitome of cool, calm and collected?
Your child easily gets overwhelmed. He climbs further into his lonely black hole of overwhelmedness. And he just sits there, alone and frustrated. You often think to yourself, “how do I know when to push more or step back?” You are trying hard not to enable your child but you just want him to be happy. It is a day to day battle to make it through the day without mass destruction or total mental breakdowns. I hear you mama!
Is your child or toddler afraid of bugs, bees and spiders? Does he have a panic attack and fear being stung or bitten? I bet that the the worst part of all this, is that it keeps him inside a lot. Here’s what you can do about it:
Is your toddler afraid of bugs? So afraid that she see bugs when they aren’t really there? Her irrational fear of flying insects and other bugs is overwhelming for you and for your child. When she thinks that all the creepy crawlies are out to get her, it can be near impossible to calm her down.
How do you go about teaching kindness to your child? Did you know that babies feel empathy long before their first birthday? Empathy has become a buzzword recently, likely because our online interactions are slowly outnumbering our ‘real life’ interactions…
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